Redeemer Church Birmingham is the coming together of two passions; a passion for God and a passion for Birmingham. We want to grow in both our love for God and our city, and believe the two are intricately connected.
We believe there is much to celebrate in God and much to celebrate in Birmingham! As we increasingly enjoy God through Jesus, we want to increasingly play our part in the life of Birmingham – living and working for the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical good of our great city & local area.
Whoever you are, wherever you would say you are in life or belief, please come along and check us out. Below is more info on who we are and what we are about.
Mission (what we do)
To increasingly love deeply and share widely the goodness of God in Jesus.
We are convinced Jesus is the attraction & Jesus is the solution. He is our life and what we have to offer the world, in word & deed.
Method (how we do it)
Live – Meet – Invite
Live life to the full with Jesus bringing his goodness into whatever setting he has sent us.
Meet with each other and those who do not know Jesus sharing his goodness.
Invite people into our lives, the life of the church and to ’the life’ of God so they can come to know his goodness.
Vision (what we are aiming at)
To increasingly be a:
Jesus following
Cross centred
Grace enjoying
Bible convinced
Spirit drenched
Good News sharing
Poor Remembering
Local & global serving
God glorifying
Church (Christ centred community gathered & dispersed)
We are convinced building Jesus centred community is how best to love & share Him.
Values (what underpins this)
Guts – In Jesus God forgives us our cowardice & empowers courage. So we seek not to act out of fear but from faith. Not being afraid to do something because it is scary but acting on who God is and what God wants!
Grit – In Jesus God forgives us our apathy & empowers passionate perseverance. Life is tough but God’s love is tougher!
Grace – In Jesus God is lavishly & undeservedly kind & good to us. We seek to rest & revel in this truth, and do likewise! Grace underpins everything else, so we value and seek to create a culture of grace.
Guiding Principles (more detail)
1) Everything is from & for Jesus – Self-dependence is self-glorifying, God dependence is God glorifying. Trust in self exalts self, trust in Christ exalts Christ.
2) Knowing God = understanding & experience – These spiral off each other.
3) Word & Spirit – Don’t truly have either without both. God’s voice calls us into His presence.
4) Love God & People (especially the poor) – Intricately linked and cannot be separated.
5) Never seek to make God pleased with us, but always seek to please Him – We please God by knowing, enjoying & resting in the fact He is fully pleased with us in Christ, and from this secure place & position of total acceptance & access, further enjoying all God is!
6) Jesus re-joins God’s glory with our good – In Christ God’s honour and our joy are two sides of the same coin. The giver gets the glory & the recipient gets the good.
7) Receive not achieve – Everything in life is graciously given by God not earned by us.
8) Righteousness is relational - To be with Jesus is to be like Jesus, to be like Jesus is to be with Jesus.
9) Think – Feel – Do (reason-desire-behaviour / perception-emotion-action) – The pathway of true repentance & change. The experience is in the expression, a thought or feeling is not complete until it has been expressed in some way.
10) The experience is in the expression - A thought or feeling is not complete until it has been expressed in some way.
11) Jesus takes full responsibility for us & trains and empowers us to take responsibility for ourselves – God works for us & in us.
12) Victim or rebel – We have all been wronged, some in profound & horrendous ways; God sees & cares so much! However, our deepest problem is that we have rebelled against our Creator; I am my biggest problem.
13) Live from the cross, for eternity, in the moment (from Jesus, for Jesus, with Jesus) – Not for the moment, or in the past, or in the future. As we enjoy forgiveness & revel in future glory, we experience freedom now. As we look back to our justification & forward to our glorification, we are sanctified now. As we believe we are dead to the law & dead to death, we walk as we are now dead to sin. As we delight in being adopted as a child of God & in the glorious inheritance of a child of God still be received, we live as a child of God now.
14) All of life is worship and mission – every moment has eternal significance
15) Salvation growth – All actions are to serve the purpose of growth in & through salvation.
16) Love truth and culture – Engage without compromising.
17) Thanksgiving – Attitude of gratitude, we are always doing better than we deserve.
18) Humility – Correct perception of ourselves. God is God and we are not. God is Creator and we are created. We are nothing without Him and yet have everything with Him. Don’t try and steal the glory/credit but enjoy the gift. We have no reason to look down on or think ourselves superior to any other human being.
19) Honesty – Be real, no pretence, no masks, no keeping up appearances, no superficiality.
20) Friendship & Family – to genuinely know and love each other; relationship is key.
21) Fun – Laugh together and enjoy the ride.
22) Be quick to forgive & apologise – Sometimes we will annoy and offend each other. Let’s think the best of each other and work it through as soon as possible. Commit to forgiving those who have wronged us and commit to turning from our own wrong doing.
23) Go slow to go deep – Depth (and therefore width) requires time, it cannot be rushed.
24) Generosity, it is more blessed to give than to receive – to be able to give & serve is itself a joyous gift from God and He is the one who will meet our needs.
25) Sole dependence on God – Only God can sort our issues, no-one/nothing else.
26) Interdependence – God provides & works through human help and support.
27) Win minds & hearts – In all things never seek to force or coerce, but to lead people by winning their understanding and desire to the cause. Not just intellectual assent nor emotional manipulation, but heart felt convincing of truth.
28) Question everything – Not for the sake of raising issue where there is no issue, not for the sake of questioning, but for the sake of the truth. Always freedom to ask and know ‘why’. No, no-go areas.
29) Innovate – Try things, don’t fear failure.
30) Balance – Genuine deep devotion without overloading. To recognise what is beneficial and what is not.
31) Communication – Keep people informed & hear what they have to say.
32) Prayer – This makes it all work.
33) God is in total control – He knows what He is doing and no-one or nothing can stop Him.
Beliefs (what we have become convinced is ultimate reality)
We hold to the historical Christian beliefs taught in the Bible and summarised by the early church in the Nicene Creed (325 AD).
Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God,
begotten of the Father before all worlds;
God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God;
begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.
Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven,
and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man;
and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate;
He suffered and was buried;
and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures;
and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father;
and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead;
whose kingdom shall have no end.
And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life;
who proceeds from the Father and the Son;
who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified;
who spoke by the prophets.
And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins;
and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.
Newfrontiers (our wider family)
We are part of the Advance family of churches, which is part of the wider New Frontiers family of churches, which is part of the world wide family of Christianity. We are also connected with the Birmingham Collective.