Sunday Gathering
This is our central meeting, when we can all gather together. We start at 10:30am @ Oddingley Hall, 18 Oddingley Rd, Birmingham, B31 3BS.
Our Sunday meetings are an informal & relaxed time where anyone is welcome. Since coming back together in-person from Covid restrictions, we have been keeping things raw & simple, trying to make sure Jesus is the attraction & Jesus is the solution. We start with a coffee and then go into a time of Praise, Prayer & Share, we then hear from the word of God together (Kids go out for their own time each Sunday and Youth on the first & third Sunday of the month). Then we finish with another song or more as we sense the Holy Spirit lead, and have refreshments and time for chat & mingling.
Prayer Meeting
First Thursday of the month prayer and communication meeting. This is a vital time together in church life.
Hope Groups
Smaller groups where we can dig into the Bible together, in a relaxed & helpful way.
Coffee Morning
Every Wednesday in school term time, 10:00am – 11:15am at Oddingley Hall. Free tea, Coffee & toast. Feel free to either drop in for a quick cuppa or hang around for the whole time. You can read a paper, play a card game, do a jigsaw or a craft, or just have a chat. There is also a play corner for tots.
Clothes Bank
Run through Coffee Morning, a great way to share community resources and meet each others needs.
Coffee Afternoon
Mondays. Be in contact for more info.
Mobile Coffee Morning
We visit local people with a smile and fresh coffee.
Marriage on a Mission
Be in contact for more information.
Parenting on a Mission
Be in contact for more information.
What If?…
Training sessions looking into what if Jesus is who He said He is?
What Now?…
Training sessions looking into what now that I believe Jesus is who He said He is?
What’s Next?…
Training sessions looking into going deeper with Jesus, finding healing & wholeness.
Biblical Counselling & Prayer Ministry
Be in contact for more information.
CAP Money Course
Be in contact for more information.
Local Food Bank collection
Once a term, be in contact for more information.
Live – Meet – Invite
Our lives lived out in our unique setting
You can access a food parcel by calling Northfield Community Partnership on 0121 411 2157.