Following the current advice on the spread of the coronavirus we believe the wise & loving thing until further notice is to postpone all our normal meetings in order to help our nations effort to stem the spread of the virus. However, although physically distanced we do not need to be relationally distanced. We can still work together to increase connectivity & community. It is in-fact extra important at this time that we do so!
If during this time you become in any way in need please be in contact. As a church we will do what we can to best serve each other and the wider community.
Your Community Cluster leaders either have or will set up a whatsApp group (or the equivalent) so you can be in contact with and encourage each other during this time. If you are not part of a Cluster we encourage you to still connect with one of these groups. Feel free to contact a group directly if you know of one, or be in contact so we can direct you to a group.
More information on what we will be doing & encouraging as a church will follow.
At this time (as always) we need to focus our thoughts & feelings on Jesus!
“let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12v1-2 esv)
This is a time for Guts, Grit & Grace – remember that guts & grit are a grace! We cannot drum these up but they flow from enjoying the lavish grace of God on our lives!